Green Pea Soup | gf + v

– This a sponsored collaboration with Garantskafferiet

 Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen

I am still a bit overwhelmed by all the new followers and all the website traffic I got yesterday after The Feed Feed shared my recipe for tomato soup with granola. So, first of all, I want to say hello to everyone who’s new here – I’m so happy to meet you! If you want to know more about me, you can visit the about me-page. And if you want to browse through all my recipes, the easiest way is to check out the recipe index. Also, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Since my last soup recipe became so incredibly popular I thought it would be the perfect timing to share my next one with you. This recipe was developed for Garantskafferiet as part of their campaign Frozen Staples (frysta basvaror på svenska!). Together with Garant, I’m encouraging people to use their freezer more and better than before. It’s such a fun project because I’m personally a big fan of the freezer and I use it a lot.

Since I’m a vegetarian, fruits, vegetables and berries are staples in my house. Often, frozen greens and berries are cheaper when bought frozen and I also think it’s easier to find organic ones (compared to when you buy fresh produce). So, here are 9 things I always keep in my freezer:

  1. Mango – for smoothies

  2. Raspberries – also for smoothies + for oatmeal toppings

  3. More berries – like blueberries, sea buckthorn, and strawberries

  4. Broccoli – one of my all-time favorite vegetables

  5. Green peas – for soup (yay, today’s recipe) and salads

  6. Edamame beans – they’re lovely as a snack when served with some sea salt + great in salads

  7. Vegetarian ”fast food” – I always keep falafels or something similar in the freezer. Perfect when you don’t have any inspiration or when you’re just being super hungry and want dinner like 10 minutes ago. My current favorite is ginger and carrot balls from Garant.

  8. Corn – for salads and veggie burgers

  9. Spinach – for stews, pancakes and veggie patties.

Recently I also started to store nuts and seeds in my freezer. Why? Because the fatty acids in nuts easily become rancid when stored at room temperature. If you put them in the freezer, that won’t happen. I think it’s such a clever idea! Garant is sharing more lifehacks on their website (in Swedish), you can click here to read them.

Alright, so for today’s recipe I used frozen green peas. By keeping a box of green peas in the freezer, green pea soup is always an option when the inspiration is lacking or when it’s cold outside. How great is that!? You’ll find the recipe after the jump.

 Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen

 Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen

 Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen

Green Pea Soup

serves 4 

600 g frozen green peas
5 dl | 2 cups water
1 tbsp organic vegetable broth powder
1 small yellow onion
2 dl | 3/4 cup plant cream
Black pepper to taste

To serve

nuts, seeds, and more plant cream
Sourdough or rye bread


  1. Chop the onion. Heat up some oil in a large saucepan and fry the onion over medium heat until soft.

  2. Add water, green peas and broth powder to the pan. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat and let cook for about 10 minutes.

  3. Remove the pan from the stove and carefully mix the soup until smooth. I use an electric hand mixer for this step.

  4. Add the plant cream and season with black pepper to taste.

  5. Heat up the soup one last time before serving it with toppings of your choice and sourdough bread. Enjoy!

 Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen Vegan Green Pea Soup | The Nordic Kitchen

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