Chocolate energy balls with cashew butter and coffee | v + gf

When I’m writing this, it’s not even 7 AM. It’s still dark outside, and there is this fog that is so typical for November. It’s like it’s almost raining, but it’s not. It’s gloomy, I guess you could say. I have a cup of hot Earl Gray tea by my side, and on my desk is a candle burning. I love these moments when it’s dark and silent. It’s like my brain works 50% more efficiently this time of the day, which is why I always try to start working this early.

I’ve always been a morning person, and when I studied medicine I often got up at 5 AM to study, just because I knew I would learn the most between 5 AM and 11 AM. I use to get an energy dip after lunch and between 1 PM and 3 PM I can have serious trouble concentrating and getting stuff done. I usually force myself to put on my ”girl boss-shoes” during this time, and just force myself to get stuff done.

Sometimes, that’s not enough. Some days I know exactly what I have to do, yet I find myself drifting off to Pinterest, Instagram or my favorite blogs. Sometimes that’s fine, I might need some new inspiration or simply feel free in order to be able to stay creative. Most of the time though, I can’t take a 2 hour break in the middle of the day like that. It’ll leave me with so much work at the end of the day and I have to work in the evening just to get it done in time. And as you know, that’s a big no-no for me.

So, in order to avoid that 2-hour-dip in the afternoon, I turn to my life-saver (well, almost). A cup of strong tea (coffee before I was pregnant) and chocolate energy balls. I’ve been making different versions of these chocolate balls for years. The first time was when I lived in my tiny apartment all by myself and I needed something healthy to snack on while studying for a huge exam. And that was about 6 years ago now (just before me and K moved in together). Anyway, I’ve been eating these chocolate balls on and off during all these years, and I just realized that I have never shared the recipe on the blog. About time, huh?

I always use the same basic ingredients (oats, cashew butter and dates) and then add what I like/need. Lately I’ve been adding coffee and sometimes also some dark chocolate, but I’ve added all kinds of boosting ingredients, like blueberry powder, beetroot powder, turmeric, gingerbread spices, maca powder, camu camu, acai and whatnot. There are a million variations to this recipe, which is probably the reason why I’ve been able to eat them for such a long period of time. Now I hope that you’ll find them as amazing as I do 🙂

Chocolate energy balls with cashew butter and coffee

makes 15-20  

10-15 fresh dates, depending on size (I usually use 12)
2 tbsp strong coffee
3 tbsp cacao
1/2 dl cashew butter
1 1/4 dl rolled oats (use gluten-free oats if allergic)
10-20 g vegan dark chocolate, melted


Shredded coconut
Liqourice powder


  1. Cut the dates in halves and remove the pit.

  2. Add dates and coffee to a blender and mix until smooth. Add a little water if it’s hard to get a smooth batter.

  3. Add oats, cashew butter and cacao and mix again. If you want to boost your chocolate balls with a superfood powder, add that to the mix as well.

  4. Transfer the mix to a baking bowl and stir in the melted chocolate.

  5. Place the batter in the fridge for about an hour, then shape small balls which you then cover in cacao, liquorice powder or shredded coconut.

  6. Store the chocolate balls in the fridge (they’re good for about a week).

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