Gift wrapping

Gift wrapping

Wrapping gifts is one of my favorite things about Christmas. It’s something about creating beautiful presents that is very calming and it also allows you to be creative. I love to keep my gift wrapping rather simple. I often wrap them in linen towels and put a beautiful ribbon on. Or I use a beautiful wrapping paper, add a lovely ribbon and perhaps a flower, a boxwood twig or a tiny bell to it. All the ribbons are being saved and used again year after year, and the same goes for the linen towels I use. A more sustainable way of wrapping, and if you ask me, also a more beautiful way. 

If you haven’t wrapped your gifts yet, below are some photos to get you inspired. 


Gift wrapping
Gift wrapping
Gift wrapping
Gift wrapping
Gift wrapping
Gift wrapping
Gift wrapping
Gift wrapping

Comments ( 1 )

  • Erin

    14 maj, 2023 at 07:46

    I love your gift wrapping! I wish I could attach the photos I’m referencing. Are you able to share what wrapping paper you’re using and where it can be purchased online?

    Also, in the gift wrapped with a hand towel, how did you tape it? I couldn’t see the underside. It’s beautiful and I’d love to try this but don’t know how to secure the edges.

    Thank you for your ideas!! Erin

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