Picnic by the lake

A couple of weeks ago I prepared some coffee, packed a couple of cinnamon buns and smoothies and went out for a picnic with Adam. The stroller was filled with blankets and pillows and food – everything you need for a day outside. We watched the birds and ducks, looked at the water and Adam was so fascinated by the sun’s reflection on the water surface. We’ve had quite a few days like these over the last months – outside with food while watching different things in nature – but this day I had brought my camera and I couldn’t help but taking a few photos. 

With only a couple of months left of my maternity leave, I hang on to these moments a little more than usual. I realize a little too often now that we won’t have many more days like this. Well, of course we have, we have a thousand picnics left, but not like this. Just him and me, with not a care in the world. I never thought this time would come to an end, so I’m enjoying every second a little extra these days. And I think these pictures will remind me of these days when I look at them again in a few years. I will save the photographs, but mostly I will save the memory of this very day very close to my heart and think of it on days when work feels overwhelming or when everything is just simply boring. 

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