Christmas cupcakes with gingerbread frosting

I am never as inspired as the weeks before Christmas. It’s just SO much I want to do, create and of course just enjoy this time of the year. I’m folding paper stars, baking, cooking, lightening candles and the entire house smells of cardamom and cinnamon. I’m even having a little cardamom in my coffee to spice things up a bit. 

I have my studio in a corner of Adam’s room and it’s a MESS. It’s stuff everywhere. It’s gingerbread cookies, ribbons, gifts, nuts, pine cones, a half-made Christmas wreath and gift tags and… Phew. It’s a mess. But I love it. I also have quite a lot of work to do and the admin work is piling up. There will be time for that later. Now I just want to produce material while I feel this inspired. 

Speaking of inspiration. It’s not always easy being a creative person. I’ve had trouble sleeping for a few nights now and I’ve spent like an hour every evening writing down (and drawing) ideas. Just to get some silence in my head. It’s like a merry-go-round in there. Any other creative souls recognizing this? I even become stressed because I have too many ideas and things I want to do. Is that normal? 

Now, let’s talk about today’s recipe. Christmas cupcakes with gingerbread frosting. They look quite fancy, but are actually super easy to make. Tastes exactly like gingerbread cookies, and comes with a creamy frosting. Serve with coffee, Christmas tea or maybe ’glögg’. Happy baking, friends!

Christmas cupcakes with gingerbread frosting

makes 12

3 dl | 300 ml all-purpose flour
1 dl | 100 ml sugar
3 tbsp aquafaba 
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground cardamom 
1/2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp baking powder
75 g vegan margarine
1 1/2 dl | 150 ml oat milk 


250 g vegan cream cheese, I used Oatly sandwich spread (På Mackan på svenska)
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 – 1 dl (50-100 ml) icing sugar (depending on how sweet you want the frosting)


Preheat the oven to 175°C. 
Beat sugar and aquafaba until fluffy.
In a baking bowl, combine all the dry ingredients.
Melt the margarine and add the oat milk. 
Add the margarine to the aquafaba mixture and stir together.
Add the mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until smooth.
Place 12 cupcake liners in a muffin tin or on a baking sheet. 
Divide the batter between the cupcake liners. 
Bake in the middle of the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until a test stick comes out dry. 
Let cool completely. 
Prepare the frosting by combining all the ingredients in a bowl.
Fill a piping bag with the frosting and pipe frosting (use any tip you like) on top of the muffins.
Place a small gingerbread cookie on each muffin before serving (optional). 

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