Spring, summer and an update.

I have been taking a break from the blog, simply because I haven’t had enough time. So much has been going on in our lives this spring and I can’t wait to tell you all about it next week. Dividing my time between my job, my business, my family and all the everyday tasks like cooking, laundry and grocery shopping. Life, you know. And on top of that we’ve been super busy with this little secret project. I’ve been exhausted. Finally, things are beginning to settle in and I’m having some peace of mind. 

In between all these things, spring came and went and all of a sudden it’s summer. I’ve been enjoying it all more than ever and I’ve been photographing so much. I’ve always loved autumn and I’ve been thinking of autumn as my favorite season. Now I’m not so sure, I think spring is my no. 1. All this beauty – it’s almost too much to handle. 

Coffee and cherry blossoms. This time is long gone, and now it’s time for lilacs. But before that, it was bird cherry and apple blossoms.

I’ve made sure to take a walk everyday, just to enjoy all these blooming trees. We’ve been showing Adam everything too and he loves to get a flower to hold in his little hand. Sometimes he ends up eating them, but mostly he just looks at them or smells them. The evening under the big apple trees was a favorite for all of us.

Now the lilacs are in bloom and I’m bringing in more every day. Our entire home smells wonderful these days. This season will be over soon too, but then it’s time for the peonies and dahlias and all the other summer flowers. That’s the best part – when one flower is withering, another one is budding. I think the key is to live in the moment and appreciate what is, not to long for what’s coming.

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