Chocolate chip muffins

Chocolate chip muffins

As we prepare for the new family member to arrive, we have made sure the freezer is filled with yummy things. Food, of course, but also muffins, cinnamon buns and bread. I have a feeling we will thank ourselves later. 

One of the things we’ve made sure to bake is muffins. Muffins are so easy to make, takes almost no time to prepare and can be filled with so many yummy things. During this time of the year, when fresh produce like fruits and berries still is a bit scarce, I often use chocolate and/or nuts to make baked goods a little more fun. 

Often it feels like it’s only the most amazing cakes and pastries that are worth sharing on social media. It’s like a never ending competition where only the most spectacular creations get attention. It’s sad, because personally I think that the simple things are often the best. As you probably know by now, nothing beats a cinnamon bun according to me. And a simple muffin is almost as good. They may not look like much, but they are very delicious. Especially when served with coffee in the spring sun. Get the recipe below! 

Chocolate chip muffins

Chocolate chip muffins

makes 12 muffins

1 dl | 100 ml aquafaba
3/4 dl | 70 g caster sugar
75 g vegan butter
1 dl | 100 ml plant milk
3 dl | 180 g all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder 
pinch of salt
75 g dark chocolate 


  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C. 
  2. In a baking bowl, combine aquafaba and caster sugar. Use an electric hand mixer and beat until white and fluffy, it takes about 30 seconds. 
  3. Coarsely chop the chocolate.
  4. Combine all the dry ingredients, including the chopped chocolate, and add to the aquafaba. 
  5. Melt the butter and add the oat milk, then add it to the aquafaba batter. 
  6. Pour the batter into 12 cupcake liners.
  7. Bake in the middle of the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until slightly golden. 
  8. Let cool for a few minutes before serving. 
  9. Store any leftovers in the freezer.

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